Wetland Field Guide


Aquality is pleased to announce the release of their Field Guide

“Common Mineral Wetland Plants of Alberta: A Field Guide for

Wetland Classification in the Prairie Pothole Region”

Aquality created this book for environmental professionals to fulfill a growing demand for a field guide that is based on the Stewart and Kantrud Wetland Classification System (1971) and specific to the plants and ecology of Alberta’s mineral Prairie Pothole Region wetlands.

Whether it’s in your pocket in the field, or in your library for office use, this full-colour field guide aids in classifying wetlands based on identifying wetland plants commonly encountered in Alberta’s White Zone. 

Please email wetlands@aquality.ca for additional information. If you would like to order a copy, please fill out the form below.

Credit card payments will be completed through a PayPal link to follow after registration (and are subject to a PayPall fee of 2.99%). Cheques can be mailed to:

Aquality Environmental Consulting

ATTN:  Field Guide Purchase

Suite 204, 7205 Roper Road NW

 T6B 3J4, Edmonton, Alberta


Copies are available for pickup at the Aquality Office.