Legislation & Regulations Impacting Alberta's Wetlands
There are numerous pieces of legislation at all levels of government impacting wetlands; this section covers Provincial and Federal legislation that affect Alberta's wetlands including:
Navigation Protection Act (1985) (FEDERAL)
Migratory Birds Convention Act (1994) (FEDERAL)
Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (2000) (PROVINCIAL)
Municipal Government Act (2000) (PROVINCIAL)
Public Lands Act (2000) (PROVINCIAL)
Surveys Act (2000) (PROVINCIAL)
Fisheries Alberta Act (2000) (PROVINCIAL)
Provincial Wetland Restoration/Compensation Guide (2007) (PROVINCIAL)
Responsible Energy Development Act (2013) (PROVINCIAL)
Alberta Wetland Policy (2013) (PROVINCIAL)
Figure 1. Illustrates legislation governing water and the beds and banks of a water body in Alberta