For more details on services that Aquality offers please visit us at or contact us by email at or by phone at 780.757.5530.
Authenticating Professional (AP) Services:
Wetland assessment and classification
Wetland inventories and delineation
Wetland restoration and compensation plans
Wetland policy and implementation plan development
Obtaining permits and regulatory approvals
Literature reviews and database research
GIS Mapping
Fish and fish habitat assessments
Fisheries compensation plans ("no net loss")
Electrofishing and fish salvage programs
Environmental impact assessments
Monitoring programs
Aquatic food web studies
Design and implementation of fisheries programs
Aquatic invertebrate sampling
Toxicity studies
Stream habitat assessments
Obtaining permits and regulatory approvals
Literature reviews and database research
Historical wetland permanence assessments (crown claims assessments)
Wildlife surveys and sweeps
Aquality offers a wetland policy course for Environmental Professionals that covers topics including wetland function, classification and delineation, hydrology, wetland vegetation, riparian zones, and an overview of all wetland and water-related legislation and policies. Please visit our wetland course web page for updates, registration information, and upcoming course dates.